Saturday, July 16, 2011

Principles of Motivation as Applied in Classroom Teaching

       It is the report of Ms. Maceren she explain the principles of motivation and how to applied this application. In this principles the learners need to be responsible in every class that the teacher discuss in front that the learners can learn. Learning is the process of acquiring, remembering and applying knowledge, skills, attitude and other modes of response it is also refers to the outcomes or result of an experience, knowledge and understanding, abilities and skill, habit and attitude.She also explain the motivation is a desire to achieve the goals and it involves the biological, emotional, social and cognitive forces that activate behavior.

Studying and Techniques to improve Performance

      Ms. Padilla is very fast in his report she report about the types and methods in studying the techniques to improve the performance she explain the aspect of thinking the preparation and the incubation that you need to be prepare and the steps in creative problem solving process. She also explain the remembering and its type the recall that is refers to the retrieval of events or information from the past, recognition it is allows you to received credit for the knowledge and skills that have acquired, relearning it is the efficient way of remembering information and the reintegration refers to all the things you do.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What is a teacher

     A teacher is a person who provides for schooling for the pupils and students. A teacher is our second parent who teach us and give advise us on to do. A teacher who facilitates for the individual student's and may also described as our personal tutor.

    Teaching is a noble profession. The esteem, reverence, and awe which students hold for their teachers is often captured in the students’ words. A teacher is a symbol of learning: a leader of learners and a miracle to education.